Michael Buble is hilarious!

>> Wednesday, 31 January 2007

On Tuesday I read on cbc that Jazzster Michael Buble plans on skipping the Grammys because the winner of his category, best traditional pop vocal album, will not be televised live on the big night. Instead, the award will be given out beforehand. He also noted he won't be watching, opting instead to view the Canucks game on tv.

For starters, there's a best traditional pop vocal album? I honestly had no idea. Anyways, what does Buble expect? The ACTUAL Grammys show, on February 11th, will focus on the categories organizers believe will get THE MOST VIEWERS, in other words, the most teenagers to watch. Buble and the others in his category, including Sarah McLachlan and Bette Midler, might be talented and worthy of being glorified on the big night - I'm actually not too familiar with most of their work - but the simple fact is they won't bring in ratings, like say, Christina Aguilera and Pink will! Geez.

Then I read today, he issues a public apology for his comments, saying they were simply an attempt at humour. Double Geez. You made the comments, deal with them and take some responsibility for your actions! In the end, I think skipping the Grammys to watch the Canucks game is a solid plan. It is likely what I'll be doing too! To Michael Buble: we can watch together if you'd like. Aren't they playing Atlanta?

Winnipeg show news:

Josh Ritter is at the West End on February 17th.

Shooglenifty plays there as well on March 21st.

So does Ruthie Foster on February 20th.

Current rotation: Royskopp, Nick Drake, and Nathan

Days until Camera Obscura: 13
Days until Sparklehorse: 15

Tokyo Police Club in Winnipeg

>> Tuesday, 30 January 2007

Tokyo Police Club play the Empire on February 8th.

Current rotation: Nathan/Manitoba/Caribou

Days until Camera Obscura: 15

Days until Sparklehorse: 17

Shows: Hawksley Workman and Lyle Lovett in Winnipeg

>> Sunday, 28 January 2007

Nathan's cd is excellent after 6 listens so far. I hope it maintains this momentum - it should - there is a lot of great stuff on it.

Show news:

Heartthrob alt-popster Hawksley Workman hits the 'Peg for not one but two(!) shows at the Garrick Centre (I thought it was called The Ramada?) on March 8th and 9th. For only $25 + fees + taxes you can see The Hawk play at the theatre I originally saw Home Alone AND Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles at. Ahh, sweet childhood memories.

Guy Clark, Joe Eley, John Hiatt AND former Julia Roberts' hubbie Lyle Lovett play the Centennial Concert Hall on March 19th. Tix are 'only' $63.60. In all honesty, it is likely worth the price.

Current rotaton: Nathan/Ellen Allien & Apparat

Days until Camera Obscura: 16

Days until Sparklehorse: 18

Key Principles + Even more Winnipeg shows

>> Friday, 26 January 2007

I had an exciting day. A friend of mine - who is the arts editor for the U of W's Uniter - was kind enough to let me review Nathan's latest record Key Principles. So I currently have in my player the infectious folk-pop that is Nathan, and I am loving it so far. It will take several listens for me to be comfortable enough to review the material, but when I do, I'll be sure to post it on here.

In show news...

The reincarnation of Black Sabbath called Heaven and Hell - composed of two original Black Sabbath members (I think..I'm kind of confused about the whole ordeal honestly) - play the MTS Centre on March 18th. Without Ozzy, I really don't care. Megadeth and Down are the special guests.

Texan alt-rockers Sparta, now consisting of only two original At The Drive In members, hit the West End on March 24th with Moneen and Attack in Black. Actually, I think Moneen is headlining. Frankly, Sparta's first album was brilliant while their second album was not, and I've heard their third album leaves a lot to the imagination. I saw them play the Pyramid a few years back and the lead singer looked pissed off throughout, so I'll likely pass on this one. For all I know, he may have just been having a bad day. Show is all ages.

Also at the West End, The Long Winters and Chords of Canada on March 19th. Show is all ages.

Taste of Chaos 2007 featuring The Used, 30 Seconds To Mars, Senses Fail, Saosin, Chiodos, Aiden, and Evaline is at the Convention Centre on April 3rd. Show starts at 5pm.

Exclaim! Spring Fling 2007 is at the West End on March 31. The lineup consists of Champion, Malajube, and You Say Party! We Say Die!. How fitting a band with exclaimations marks in their moniker is part of the tour.

The legendary guitarist B. B. King is at the Burt on May 6th.

Current rotation: Nathan/Air

Big Names at the MTS Centre - Van Morrison and Rod Stewart (Seperate Shows)

>> Thursday, 25 January 2007

Van Morrison is making his first ever trip to our great city! The Irish singer-songwriter will be hitting the MTS Centre on March 1st. Ticket information will be released Friday. This leaves me with a curious question: how many people will shell out 50-150 bucks just to hear Brown-Eyed Girl (Yes, I know he has a deep catalogue)? What would happen if he didn't play it? A Minor Riot perhaps? Riot in the Peg! Riot in the Peg!

One last question...(this is a joke I made up).

What do you get when you cross a pack of cougars, a large downtown arena, and an rapidly aging, one time sex-symbol?

Answer: A Rod Stewart concert at the MTS Centre on Tuesday, April 24th.

Current rotation: Rapture/Sparklehorse (more of the latter)

Winnipeg Shows - The Duhks & more!

>> Tuesday, 23 January 2007

Winnipeg's Grammy Nominated The Duhks stop by our beloved city to play the Festival Du Voyageur on February 9th. They are scheduled to play at midnight, but hey, it's the weekend after all.

The Spill Canvas, Ten Second Epic, and The Reason play the Collective on February 18th. Tickets are available at Music Trader. Show is All Ages.

Brand New with guests Anathallo hit the Burton Cummings Theatre on May 14th.

Current rotation: nothing (watching NHL skills competition)

Noteable Albums Scheduled for an '07 Release

>> Sunday, 21 January 2007

Disclaimer: noted release dates are subject to change. Also, while I do make errors from time to time, I'm hoping this is mistake-free. Please email if you spot any.

Confirmed release dates:

Shins - Wincing the Night Away Jan 23rd
Clinic - Visitations Jan 23rd
Deerhoof - Friend Oppurtunity Jan 23rd
Of Montreal - Hissing Fauna, Are you The Destroyer? Jan 23rd
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - Some Loud Thunder Jan 30th

Bloc Party - A Weekend in the City Feb 6th
Nathan - Key Principles Feb 23rd (can't find confirmation for an earlier date)

!!! - Myth Taker Mar 6th
Air - Pocket Symphony Mar 6th
Arcade Fire - Neon Bible Mar 6th
LCD Soundsystem - Sound of Silver Mar 20th
Low - Drugs and Guns Mar 20th
Ted Leo And The Pharmacists - Living With The Living Mar 20th

Wilco - Sky Blue Sky May 15th

Architecture in Helsinki
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
King of Leon
Modest Mouse
Polyphonic Spree
Rilo Kiley
Ryan Adams
Massive Attack
Iron & Wine (please let this be true!)
New Pornographers
Radiohead (see I & W comment)
Sigur Ros (take your time guys, I can wait)
Wolf Parade

Current Rotation - Erasure/Air

Rumblings at the West End

>> Thursday, 18 January 2007

As far as Winnipeg venues go, the West End rocks. While my memory is typically poor and spotty, I cannot recall disliking a single show I've seen there.

That being said there are some great shows coming up at the West End.

Blackie and the Rodeo Kings are there on March 5th. Tix go on sale Thursday for WECC e-news subscribers and on Saturday for the general public.

Local darlings Nathan release their upcoming 'Key Principles' on the 23rd of February. I'll definitely be there. Their bassist was my Organic Chem Prof a few years back...evidently multi-talented.

Cara Luft releases her solo album 'The Light Fantastic' on May 17th.

Novillero visits the West End on March 10th. Watching Novillero perform live is always a jubliant occasion! I saw them open for the New Pornographers (sans Neko Case) recently and enjoyed Novillero's set a lot more than the Pornos.

Tim O'Brien, co-producer of Winnipeg's The Duhks grammy-nominated 'Migrations', stops by on February 8th. I'm told this a rare treat.

Phew. That's a lot of shows. I'm out of breath.

Current rotation: Bloc Party (still)

Bloc Partyin'

>> Wednesday, 17 January 2007

Golden Dogs will be at the Pyramid on February 16th

Do Make Say Think will also be there but on February 27th. It's a weekday so hopefully I'll get some sleep that night if I go.

Even more: The kings of energetic, inspiring live performances The Constantines hit the Pyramid on April 3rd.

In other news, Bloc Party's follow up to their brilliantly innovative rock album 'Silent Alarm' comes out February 6th. Not that I encourage this (fuck it, I do) but I've been listening to the more mature 'A Weekend in the City' since this morning (I, uh, found it) and have loved every minute. From what I've heard, it has the potential to surpass their debut (note: I honestly didn't believe that was possible). I even coerced my friend from BC to see them when they roll through Vancouver. Hopefully he'll send some pics.

Current rotation: Bloc Party - A Night in the City (nothing else).

A Pay-Pay-Pay A Paper Moon

>> Monday, 15 January 2007

Oh wait, I was thinking of Pink Moon by Nick Drake.

Anyways..Winnipeg popsters
Paper Moon are at the King's Head on February 3rd. While I'm not too familiar with their musical stylings, I did hear one of their songs on Q94 (of all stations!) while at the gym recently and liked what I heard. At least one good thing came from forgetting my ipod.

Current rotation: Sparklehorse/Rapture/Califone

Jets to Vancouver

>> Wednesday, 10 January 2007

Two things are official today. Well, three I guess. First up, this is my first ever posting on my blog, and if you look around you can see my blog needs some work. Second, I am going to see scottish popsters Camera Obscura on February 13th in Vancouver during the university's reading week. Third, I figured I may as well check out the reclusive Sparklehorse on February 15th while I'm there. Go Vancouver!

If you haven't heard it yet,
Sparklehorse's latest record is absolutely brilliant. Go check it out.

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