Afternoon Headlines: SSS @ The WECC; Cannon Bros for Polaris Long List!!

>> Saturday, 18 February 2012

Alliteratively-named Calgary singer-songwriter Samantha Savage Smith (above) is at the WECC on March 18th w/ marjijosee.

Garage-rock pairing The Pack A.D. are touring with Our Lady Peace (they still exist?) and will be at the Garrick on April 13th.

Vancouver's Bend Sinister roll through town on March 13th for a gig at the Pyramid.

Add Chains of Love to the Said The Whale bill at the Park Theatre on April 21st.

And Lindi Ortega to the Social Distortion bill at the Burt on April 23rd.

Vancouver songwriter Jordan Klassen is at Aqua Books on April 16th w/ Andy Shauf.

East Coast Music Award winner Rose Cousins pops in at the WECC on March 28th.

Sunday, April 15th at the WECC brings a triple header: Enter Shikari, The Letlive, and At The Skylines.

And, finally, if you missed the Polaris Prize Salon this week, I wrote about the local music angle for CBC Manitoba. Cannon Bros for the Polaris Long List campaign officially!

The First Ever Polaris Record Salon in Winnipeg

>> Friday, 10 February 2012

On Wednesday, February 15th the first ever Polaris Record Salon is going down at the Winnipeg Free Press Cafe.

Normally held in Toronto, the Polaris Salon is a forum where Polaris Prize jury members extol the sonic virtues of various Canada records they feel are prime candidate for inclusion on their ballots. Polaris Prize founder Steven Jordan will moderate the event while Polaris jury member from Manitoba put forth their picks.

Taking part in this first time event is:

  • John Kendle (Uptown)
  • Jared Story (Uptown)
  • Jill Wilson (The Winnipeg Free Press)
  • Jenny Henkelman (CKUW)
  • And, despite my name not starting with J, me. 

So if you're free on Wednesday night, come on down and hear us ferociously and tirelessly debate the records we feel are absolutely musts for this year's Polaris ballots. Ties will be broken by arm wrestle.

And I'm told there'll be prizes.

For more info see here and here and here.

Contest: Enter to win tickets to see Islands @ The WECC

>> Monday, 6 February 2012

Courtesy of good folks over at the West End Cultural Centre, I've got a pair of tickets to giveaway for Islands' show going down there on Saturday, March 3rd.

If you're interested in checking out the modernist pop rockers in the flesh, fire me off an email (on the right hand side) by Monday, February 20th @ noon CST with the subject line "Islands Ticket Giveaway" and your name in the email's body. Winning name will be drawn randomly sometime that afternoon and contacted shortly thereafter, with the first name and last initial published on my Twitter account.

As always, one entry per person please!

Evening Headlines: Twin Shadow @ The Pyramid; Hannah Georgas to support Kathleen Edwards

>> Sunday, 5 February 2012

First up, a pretty exciting show to announce: Brooklyn indie-pop act Twin Shadow is at the Pyramid on August 8th. Thanks to those who emailed / left a comment about this.

Speaking of the Pyramid, add Lemonade to the Neon Indian bill going down there on May 3rd.

Cancer Bats drop by the joint on March 30th.

And Reverend Horton Heat does as well on May 8th.

Support for Kathleen Edwards April 14th gig here at the Garrick has been added: Hannah Georgas!

The Heritage Hunter Tour featuring Opeth, Mastodon, and Ghost rolls through town on May 6th at the Burt.

Andrew Jackson Jihad is at the Lo Pub on March 16th.

And finally, Stephen Palmer plays the ACU Hall @ The WECC on March 25th w/ Kerri Woelke.

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