Morning Headlines: Union Sound Hall books some intriguing acts

>> Friday, 31 January 2014

Some exciting doins a transpirin' at Union Sound Hall to report:

First up, local punk heroes Propagandhi are there on Saturday, March 15th.

Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra drop by the joint on Tuesday, May 6th.

And I can't remember if I mentioned this: The 1975 take the stage on my birthday: Thursday, May 1st.

My Love I Am The Speed of Sound - Neko Case to play the Burt in May

>> Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Interesting concert note: Neko Case is bringing her ridiculously mammoth pipes to the Burt on Saturday, May 17th. Presale commences post-haste and tickets run $35 + taxes, etc.

As a spiffy little bonus, The Dodos kick off the show. 

My Favourite Albums of 2013

>> Thursday, 9 January 2014

Still unpacking away, but I've finally settled on my favourite albums of 2013 list. Here goes.

Regular updates to commence soon. 

1. Kanye West – Yeezus
2. Vampire Weekend – Modern Vampire of the City
3. Volcano Choir – Repave
4. CHVRCHES – The Bones of What You Believe
5. Unknown Mortal Orchestra – II
6. Young Galaxy – Ultramarine
7. The Courtneys – S/T
8. No Joy – Wait to Pleasure
9. Yo La Tengo – Fade
10. The National – Trouble Will Find Me

Favourite Tracks of 2013

>> Sunday, 5 January 2014

So the wife-to-be and I purchased our first home in early December and moved in late December, meaning the past few weeks have been beyond chaotic what with packing, the actual moving process (during a fucking blizzard!), and the unpacking, which is still ongoing. Oh, and I wrote a 20 page paper somehow in there as well.

Anyway... my apologizes for the blog neglect. Tonight is the first time I've been able to give my complete and undivided attention to the tunes of 2013. Without further preamble, here are my favourite tracks of 2013 in playlist order. (Yes, there are two Vampire Weekend songs because, well, that whole album is terrific with many outstanding earworms.)

  1. Haim - The Wire
  2. Kanye West - Black Skinhead
  3. The Head and the Heart - Shake
  4. Au Revoir Simone - Crazy
  5. CHVRCHES - We Sink
  6. Unknown Mortal Orchestra - No Need For A Leader
  7. mum - Sweet Impressions
  8. No Joy - Hare Tarot Lies
  9. Phoenix - Entertainment
  10. Tegan and Sara - Drove Me Wild
  11. Vampire Weekend - Unbelievers
  12. Young Galaxy - Pretty Boy
  13. Yo La Tengo - Stupid Things
  14. Volcano Choir - Dancepack
  15. The National - Don't Swallow The Cap
  16. The Courtneys - Manion
  17. Vampire Weekend - Worship You
  18. Dodos - Confidence
What say you, dear readers (if you're still out there): favourite tracks of 2013?

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