Indefinite Hiatus

>> Monday, 22 September 2014


....most of you have deduced by now that this blog is on an indefinite hiatus.

Painting over Silence has wildly exceeded all expectations. It started as a fun medium for me to keep track of upcoming concerts, conduct interviews with bands, review some albums, etc and quickly spiraled out of control. The inquiries from publicists, artists, and local venues was impossible to keep up with and I was spending 20-25 hours a week blogging during the peak of this site on top of working a full-time job and attending school part-time.

I never expected this site to lead to some employment with CBC. Or to place in the top 30 "best music blogs in Canada" contest. Or even secure me a spot on the Polaris Music Prize jury. For the better part of five years, my inbox was a daily source of  awe and wonderment.

Unfortunately, this exhausting pace has caught up with me over the past few years, and I found myself having less and less free time for blogging. And presently that spare time is almost nil.

So, for now, this site is on an indefinite hiatus.

If you want to hear about upcoming concerts in real time (at least as quickly as I can manage), please check my Twitter feed.

Thank you for reading over the years.


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