In The Know...11 Questions With Royal Canoe
>> Sunday, 27 June 2010
With deafening buzz following behind them like a horde of angry Vuvuzelas, Winnipeg’s Royal Canoe are finally launching their highly anticipated debut record CO-OP Mode on July 3rd at the West End Cultural Centre.
And the hype is certainly justified. CO-OP Mode is a canorous and diverse set of sophisticated pop gems laden with clean hooks, playful arrangements, and sparkling instrumentation. Music intended make voices sing along, eyes tear up, and hips sway. Sometimes all at once.
The brainchild of Matt Peters (Waking Eyes), the songs populating CO-OP Mode have been kicking around for years, some even dating all the way back to 2006. But it took three years before Peters finally had the time to form a live band, recruiting some seriously talented local players to the Royal Canoe cause: Bucky Driedger and Matt Schellenberg (The Liptonians), Jeff Bruce (Jicah) and Joey Penner (also from Waking Eyes).
This Saturday drive, walk, Segway, or cycle (bike valet service is available) down to the West End to hear this skillful fivesome play the many fantastic songs off CO-OP Mode. Regina’s treasured pop outfit Library Voices kick start the evening’s festivities.
I recently caught up with Royal Canoe frontman Matt Peters and tossed 11 questions his way. Here’s what he threw back (Note: interview took place two weeks ago).
1. Where are you right now?
In my bedroom watching South Africa lose to Uruguay in the World Cup.. Bafana Bafana??
Let’s talk Winnipeg…
2. Who is the most underrated Winnipeg-based band?
hmm.. I'm gonna say Courier News. Matt (Schellenberg) plays in Royal Canoe and I just really think he and Alexa (his bandmate in Courier News) have made something special. They don't have a live band so it's hard for them to get the word out - here's me doing my part. Check them out.
3. What is your favourite local venue?
The Royal Albert.
4. Where do you shop for music?
Music Trader in Osborne Village.
5. Where is the best place in town to catch a bite?
I love the Veggie Burger at Mondragon.. there must be some funky anarchist voodoo in those bad boys.
6. What’s the worst bus route in the city?
I don't really bus a lot. Yikes.
And some hodgepodge…
7. Of the albums you own, which has the best cover art?
Animal Collective Strawberry Jam.. sorta repulsive, isn't it?
8. What are some albums that completely changed your life?
Beatles White Album, Guided by Voices Alien Lanes, Radiohead OK Computer, Neil Young Everybody Knows this is Nowhere, Weezer Blue Album.
9. What TV shows are you currently following?
Lost just ended its run and I guess that was the only show I really followed, though I've been known to dabble in Battlestar Galactica and Carnivale. I watched the first season of Mad Men and thought it was spectacular. I guess I need to finish that. Also, everyone talks about The Wire like it cured cancer. I should probably give that a chance.... as it cured cancer and all.
10. What is your current ringtone?
stock iphone ring tone. Wow, I should change that already... Speaking of iphones, I want an iphone 4 - please, can I have one?
11. And finally, would you rather have the ability to fly or to turn invisible?